Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Game of What Ifs: Hound of the Hearth

Originally, I set aside 3 of 20 cards slots for attachments in the House Umber fan expansion CP. Unfortunately, "Loyalty Bought with Fingers" and "Frostbite" (a Stark only winter-burn card) never came together.

Provided your opponent doesn't discard it first, Hound of the Hearth gives you a few obvious advantages. First, neither the Hound nor the attached character (or 'leash holder') need to kneel and/or be standing to trigger the Hound's effect. Not only does this effect combo with character like Brutish Drunk but, like the melee keyword version of the Greatjon, it bypasses House Umber's intrigue icon weakness. The kill effect is just gravy at that point.

Bonus points to anyone running Old Nan, as that would allow you to force an opponent's character to participate in a challenge, say, when you were running a character with deadly.

The question is, as with all fan cards: is Hound of the Hearth too powerful? Should the kill effect be a second triggered effect, requiring a discard? That would give the player a choice to make -- possibly a tough choice given how good they both could be. Share your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. ha! DOOP! You wouldn't be able to use the old nan trick because she would only last to the end of the marshalling phase...then this would fall off. Oops :P

  2. It can't be a Response: as worded. Stalwart attachments aren't too strong. In fact it should also give the attached character "Cannot be bypassed with stealth."

  3. The stealth protection is too similar to House Bolton's dogs, and less in line with the other Umber effects I think. Correct about the Any Phase/Marshalling as triggers though. Another 'woops' ;)

  4. Just a nitpick, but it should be a "Challenges:" ability, not "Responses" as with the current wording it doesn't respond to anything, but reads out more as a PAW ability.
