Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Game of What Ifs? House Umber fan cards

In the pre-LCG days, the House Umber trait was a common in Stark. While the Greatjon is really the only significant member of the house in the books, I've always had a warm place in my heart for these klingon'y barbarians from the upper north. 

So, In the spirit of filling time while FFG readies the next cycle, I present to you 6 non-unique "What If?" characters from the house. Each is my own take on possible expansions to the Umber themes already in the game (Melee format, creature support, multiple challenge participation), expanding underutilized mechanics (Bannermen/banner traits), or just what I think is Umber'ly thematic.

Thoughts and outrage are welcome in the comments. I'll post unique characters next week.

(EDIT: I designed the modified card art, the illustrations are modified but shamelessly pilfered from existing cards or around the internet)

1 comment:

  1. I dig the theme, and it looks like the cards might have some interesting combos...
